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Перевод: disputation speek disputation

спор ; искусство спора; диспут ; дебаты


  1. You may find yourself in the midst of a lengthy disputation about the rights and wrongs of a particular request you made ('But you said another five minutes, mum! ').
  2. In his History of the Royal Society (1667) Thomas Sprat reclaimed the name of Francis Bacon from the hands of puritan visionaries and reaffirmed the role of an inductive method, which, by promoting consensus rather than disputation, was at one with the quest for political stability.
  3. This seems an academic disputation compared with the salient fact that the programme, whichever way you look at it, would appear to have hardly a single vote in it.
  4. Indeed, Parmenides, the founding father of logical disputation, argued that time cannot pertain to anything that is truly real.
  5. In 1628, William Laud persuaded Charles I to issue a declaration prohibiting all theological disputation and ordering that the Thirty-Nine Articles should be adhered to in their full and literal sense.
  6. Our progress was made noisy, too, by disputation.
  7. "And we'll have no politics and no religious disputation here - that's the rule of the house," said Patrick, sinking back into his chair, still a little flustered.
  8. The original Greek word had passed from meaning "leisure" to the "employment of leisure in disputation" and from that to both the institutional meaning and the more general description of a tendency.
  9. The new west seems to live by the three Ds: data, dogma and disputation.
  10. In my opinion, this empty disputation will eventually take its place with the many other myths of human evolution.
  11. It began: "I can imagine a wise and well-informed man, quite aloof from any political party, saying to our little gathering: "The Country and the Empire are in three tangles, which the ordinary process of disputation followed by a General Election in this country cannot unravel."
  12. This status is unambiguous and has not been the source of any judicial disputation.
  13. The average factory worker is paid a wage which is unrelated to productivity or protects and which is squeezed out of management, often through painful industrial disputation.

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