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Перевод: disputatious speek disputatious

любящий спорить


  1. But, with some few exceptions, the main results had been disputatious wrangling.
  2. Further, the judiciary do not possess the expertise or technical knowledge and are not provided with the training to deal effectively with the disputatious issues arising under social legislation.
  3. A disputatious look crossed Maud's face, but all she said was, "And you?
  4. They go in for querulous and disputatious argument.
  5. Raconteur and raisonneur , in his art as in his personal life, he is a concealed author who is evident enough in his hotly opinionated fiction: he is not given to expounding his own passionate opinions there, but can be recognised without difficulty in almost every aspect of every one of his novels, including the speech assigned to his often disputatious characters.
  6. During this brief interregnum, it pleased Zacco to call Nicholas to St Hilarion for disputatious council meetings which occasionally ended in concord.
  7. With the rest of the non-Asian world, contacts have been less disputatious, comprising mostly cultural interchange, tourism and now business contacts.
  8. Hobbes's references to previous lack of philosophical progress and the disputatious wrangling of the prevailing scholastic philosophy, and his distaste for ideas based solely on the foundation of authority, are all reminiscent of Bacon.
  9. Simmons signalled her to an empty chair on the fringe of the disputatious group, and walked round the back of the table to take a chair opposite.
  10. Many who would have opposed his outspoken and disputatious self would accept his uncle.

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