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Перевод: dissemination speek dissemination

разбрасывание; рассеивание; распространение семян; распространение


  1. In the end, it is the technology of radio, the gramophone, television, and film that allows most of the barriers to be transcended, which is why Karajan, an litist with a yearning to reach the widest possible international audience, invested so much of his time and his money in the quest for the high-quality dissemination of music to a world-wide audience.
  2. They played a significant role in initiating cultural ideas at the centre for subsequent vulgarization and dissemination throughout Russia, at first through "fat" specialized journals and then later via the popular press.
  3. Whether one interpreted this from the perspective of a 16th century Milton or that of a 20th century anarchist, the outcome was still the same in its condemnation of restrictions on the free expression and dissemination of opinions.
  4. Further research will be needed to develop effective school based health education projects, which should be formally field tested under normal conditions before widespread dissemination.
  5. Is an announcement sufficient, or must the insider await the dissemination of the information?
  6. However, in the future such rapid widespread dissemination of promising innovations will need to be accompanied by enhanced efforts to monitor intended behavioural outcomes and by testing of school projects in real life settings.
  7. As to the wider dissemination of culture, the few cells that had been active in this respect seemed to equate success with the regular dispatch of newspapers and made no personal contacts to follow this up.
  8. However, during the Labour Government's first period of office, 1945-;50, both the Ministry of Labour (through dissemination of information to employers) and the Ministry of National Insurance (through slightly increasing the earnings allowance) attempted to encourage the deferment of retirement beyond 65 and the employment of older workers.
  9. weakening of teachers' attachment to particular subject specialisms, development of subject competence across a wider range of the curriculum, and development and dissemination of awareness of the similarities in learning objectives and pedagogical approach between different subjects - in short, the easing of subject loyalties and demystification of subject differences;
  10. However, the radio did play an important role in the dissemination of certain types of news, and it was clearly more influential than the press.
  11. Together with Germany in the 1930s, Russia since 1917 has had the most penetrating system of political propaganda, but it was severely hampered at first by inefficient technical means for dissemination over vast spaces and many minority nationalities.
  12. As the director of the Police Foundation, Barrie Irving (1984: 4) commented, "Unlike their American counterparts, the British police community, together with their administrators, do not devour large quantities of written material and if a research project does not produce results which can be acted upon no amount of careful editing and dissemination will make an impact."
  13. Each Authority has a duty to provide its respective radio and television services as public services for the dissemination of information, education and entertainment, and to ensure that its programmes maintain a high general standard, in particular as respects their quality and content, and a proper balance and wide range of subject matter.

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