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Перевод: dissociate speek dissociate

разъединять; отмежеваться; отделять; разобщать; разлагать; диссоциировать


  1. Nevertheless, the party could not entirely dissociate itself from the events which led to the formation of the National government, even if the chief villains, as far as it was concerned, were now in political opposition.
  2. Yet when she arrived, when she knocked at the door and waited outside, bits of the outfit threatened to dissociate, to turn ugly and risible.
  3. Another sort of authority derives from money, which a reader of art criticism may find it difficult to dissociate from an object.
  4. He suggested that the one who asks for containment usually has a simpler personality than the container who has a tendency to dissociate.
  5. His principal work in philosophy is a detailed refutation of Nicolas Malebranche's Cartesian theory of perception and of his non-Cartesian, Augustinian, doctrine of "vision in God", the doctrine from which George Berkeley sought to dissociate himself.
  6. When they dissociate themselves from the academic world of their time, they are making the time-honoured mystical point that what Wordsworth would call "the meddling intellect" had nothing to do with the vision of God.
  7. The final chance of preventing virus replication beginning, is to inhibit in some way the uncoating stage where coat proteins of the virus dissociate from the genetic material they surround, The third anti-viral drug available now is a cage-like hydrocarbon amine molecule called amantadine, which seems to inhibit the uncoating of influenza viruses in some way.
  8. But we wanted from the start to dissociate ourselves from the arrogant and ignorant belief that in some mysterious way English is superior to other languages, and that children who speak Bengali or Hindi at home should abandon these languages as soon as possible.
  9. They saw the fascist stewards as the Nazi storm troopers trampling upon liberty and were quick to dissociate themselves from the image which the BUF had gained.
  10. The BMC and the London and SE Area Committee wish to dissociate themselves completely from this scheme, and recommend that would-be visitors to High Rocks do so too.
  11. But to Dustin's credit he recognised it as a role in which he could immediately dissociate himself from the whole "image" concept of acting, as well as prove that, "I was a character actor, not just this nebbish kid that Nichols found.
  12. The container, on the other hand, with his tendency to dissociate, "has an especial need to unify himself in an undivided love", but finds the simpler personality of his partner does not complement and satisfy the diverse facets of his own.
  13. THE Environment Secretary, Mr Chris Patten, yesterday wrote to Mr Neil Kinnock, the Labour Party leader, demanding that he dissociate himself from proposals designed to stop the growth of second homes.

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