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Перевод: distinctly speek distinctly

отчетливо; определенно; четко; ясно; внятно; членораздельно; заметно


  1. Evans had been distinctly uncomfortable about Horowitz's presence in his office.
  2. The symptoms, especially noticeable in some spring barleys, range from the odd missing floret to distinctly tapered ears in some wheats where the top and bottom few spikelets have failed to set seed.
  3. The one-day games were now held before the Test series rather than after, an hors d'oeuvre rather than a stodgy pudding served up when everyone was full, but the first game at Headingley was distinctly uninspiring.
  4. Not from them do we hear clearly and distinctly every non-French name.
  5. The bien-pensant , anti-colonialist, "Eurospeak" Foreign Office, in Mrs Thatcher's view, was distinctly not "one of us".
  6. With Diana in the snow, Charles looked distinctly unamused and drew the session to a close.
  7. The first sight of the coffin made Henry feel distinctly uneasy.
  8. They scrambled to their feet, feeling distinctly stoned, and picked their way over the outstretched legs of their friends to the door.
  9. But his article also contains a distinctly Thatcherite defence of "now derided Victorian values".
  10. So during the interval I felt distinctly apologetic.
  11. In appearance they are distinctly corvine, being not only crow-black, but slender, small-headed and powerful about the beak.
  12. The broken, Monkish phrases, lean, understated tone with a faint quaver to it, and unerring sense of placement are to be heard on five Monk tunes, and the trumpeter, Don Cherry - a musician of whom it is distinctly difficult to say you know what is coming next - is available on some of them.
  13. Such music can be distinctly ambiguous.

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