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Перевод: distress speek distress

горе; беда ; страдание; недомогание; боль ; несчастье; нищета ; нужда ; бедствие; утомление; истощение; опись имущества в обеспечение долга;
причинять горе; причинять страдание; терзать; огорчать; причинять боль; доводить до нищеты; накладывать арест на имущество в обеспечение долга


  1. Apart from the insertion of the needle the animal should not experience any pain or distress.
  2. She must not make capital out of her distress, on the one hand; on the other the items were quite small and there was no need to humiliate herself.
  3. During this initial period it will be necessary to use whatever methods appear appropriate to deal with the patient's distress.
  4. She must have thought, at that moment, that each singer was a "kitten" in distress, and she was no doubt trying to help in her own way.
  5. Although domiciliary treatment was far more acceptable to patients in that many more offered this form of care kept their appointments, no difference was found in outcome between the two forms of treatment in terms either of repetition or measures of psychological distress and social functioning.
  6. Marie felt her distress ebbing away.
  7. In the past tinnitus received very little attention, and the distress it could cause went almost unrecognized.
  8. Apart from the anxiety caused by such uncertainty and the distress concerned, difficult decisions might have to be made about how to proceed.
  9. A growing number of companies are already publicly known to be distress sellers of property.
  10. Inspired by Dante's Divine Comedy and the sad tale of his love fur Beatrice and by medieval ballads about a knight saving a damsel in distress, their works told of lovers in search of a beloved, a metaphor for the "artist in search of his muse".
  11. you are not dealt with sympathetically (especially if it is a matter which is causing you emotional distress);
  12. As outlined in the previous article, the probability of bankruptcy is partly determined by the institutional arrangements for dealing with financial distress; that in turn affects the costs incurred by a firm.
  13. Imagine mother's distress when she discovered there was no such thing!

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