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Перевод: diuretic speek diuretic

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  1. With the decline of renal function it is extremely important to monitor serum electrolytes closely, especially in those on diuretic therapy.
  2. The plant was boiled in water and the resulting infusion was said to be an effectual diuretic.
  3. An even more dangerous practice is to take a diuretic.
  4. In 1957 a better diuretic was found, but only after a logical but circuitous investigation, described in detail by K. H. Beyer of Merck, Sharpe, and Dohme.
  5. Thiazide diuretic agents might adversely influence carbohydrate metabolism in several ways.
  6. Alcohol is a bad "nightcap" - it sends you to sleep, but will act as a diuretic and cause you to awaken to pass urine.
  7. Alcohol is a poor way of getting a long sleep as its diuretic effect wakes you because of a full bladder.
  8. Martin recorded several plants which indicated diuretic properties, some of which had purgative effects, and others which "cured the fluxes", such as the syrup of bilberries.
  9. All these drinks possess diuretic properties, that is, they increase the loss of body fluids in the urine.
  10. When renal failure supervenes with sodium and water retention contributing significantly to hypertension, then a diuretic may be particularly useful.
  11. Indeed, increased exchangeable sodium in diabetics has been reported by one group of research workers who also showed that diuretic therapy lowered blood pressure while reversing the 10 per cent increased exchangeable sodium to normal (De Chatel et al, 1977; Weidmann et al, 1979).
  12. Geranium though was obviously a good choice because of its diuretic properties - and bergamot for its cheerful and uplifting aroma.
  13. Part of the group helps in the use of carbohydrate for energy and growth (B1 thiamin), while vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) helps in using protein and fats and also in removing water from the body tissues (diuretic).

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