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Перевод: documentation speek documentation

документация ; подтверждение документами; снабжение документами


  1. This documentation of personal responsibility could, in my opinion, be an important factor in coming to grips with the current system of punitive damages sought from auditors for alleged negligence.
  2. History textbooks also provide interesting documentation for even among highly qualified history scholars the centrality of women in history is not yet accepted.
  3. Briefing : The documentation and news service of the Bishops' Conferences of England and Wales and of Scotland.
  4. Thus executives have successfully prevented most forms of cancer from being included in the list of occupationally-induced illness, even though the documentation on carcinogenic work environments is substantial (Epstein 1979).
  5. Nor does the low profile of central documentation seem to be balanced by particularly energetic assessment procedures at school level:
  6. Wilsonville, Oregon-based Mentor Graphics Inc has teamed with Toshiba Corp to develop a multi-chip module design kit for Toshiba's semi-custom multi-chip module technology: the kits provide the software tools, such as design software, technology libraries, vendor-specific software and documentation, for specification and verification of the physical implementation of a multi-chip module based on the target manufacturing process.
  7. 1.6.8 shall make available to a camera-ready copy of the English only version of the Documentation.
  8. reports, government circulars, trade and professional information and general documentation allied in some way to your job and its responsibilities
  9. Four weeks later the partners returned to see Mr Barnes with the news that BCCI chief executive Swaleh Naqvi had admitted that false documentation had been prepared "to deceive the auditors", and that he had given information about loans to BCCI shareholders secured on CCAH shares.
  10. Auber has compared two implementations of CCL on GRIPS/ DIRS3 (GRIPS - General Relation-based Information Processing System written by DIMDI - the German Institute for Medical Documentation) and the European Space Agency's IRS' Eurolanguage.
  11. In all cases, the challenge to the documentation specialist remains the same: how to do justice to the objects in order to create an accurate and sufficiently detailed record of the object to allow it to be identified with confidence.
  12. 12.2 undertakes to make the product and the Licensed Software and the Accompanying Documentation comply with local legislation in effect in the Territories.
  13. Information about documentation, nursing models used or problem areas found would be appreciated.

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