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Перевод: doughty speek doughty

доблестный; отважный; храбрый; мужественный; смелый; без страха и упрека


  1. O'Rourke was a doughty defender of his home fleet.
  2. Maybe, but Palace were nothing if not doughty.
  3. Soames, a doughty trencherman who always gives the Simpson's beef trolley a good run for its money, should go down well with the farming community.
  4. NEALE Doughty was left with egg on his face after turning down the ride on Haydock stalwart Twin Oaks in favour of Pat's Jester yesterday.
  5. The argument, expressed in various ways by these three doughty politicians, is that when Labour's morning press conference raised the constitutional issues, especially PR, and appeared to hold out an olive branch to Liberal Democrat voters, the Labour message became blurred.
  6. As the plague spread, some residents fled, including, I was sorry to see, the local squirearchical family, the Bradshaws - ancestors, incidentally, of that doughty opponent of Fascism, Christopher Isherwood, who decamped to California in 1939.
  7. Suffice it to say that the desert landscape was no doubt encouraged by his enthusiasm in 1922 and 1923 for the work of an author whom he placed with James and Conrad - C. M. Doughty, whose "great work Travels in Arabia Deserta " he recommended, mentioning also that a good essay on Doughty's prose, including quotations from it, was contained in Middleton Murry's recent book Countries of the Mind .
  8. "All being well he runs and Neale Doughty will ride," Richards said.
  9. But the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company marches on, doughty purveyors of traditional G S. Its cessation of activities in 1981 looked final, but the company underwent a rebirth four years ago and is once again currently on a national tour with The Mikado and The Yeomen of the Guard .
  10. Twelve of the Leicester side who lost to Quins are back on duty, led by the doughty John Wells.
  11. Oaks no joke for Doughty
  12. What I do know is that we owe a great debt to these doughty fighters of the past in banishing the menace of the Krooms for ever from this green and pleasant land.

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