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Перевод: dualism speek dualism



  1. Other features of Gnosticism especially objectionable to orthodox teachers were the radical dualism of spirit and matter, the determinism which assured a small elect minority of salvation with everyone else being predestined to annihilation, perhaps worse, and the tendency to merge myths and cults, incorporating a few Christian elements with adaptations of Mithraism, astrology, magical spells, and anything else lying to hand.
  2. But this basic dualism in Judeo-Christian thought must not be understood as a moral dualism.
  3. Peter Brown in his most recent and profoundly important book Body and Society demonstrates movingly how sexuality had so different a social meaning from what it now carries that the sexual abstinences, the noisy and sometimes virulent demands for chastity and virginity, within the early Church, far from being a symptom of self-hatred and dualism, were a radical political claim to the coming of the Kingdom: a claim which women, sometimes even more than men, could make.
  4. Methodological dualism
  5. This conception of the mind is now almost universally regarded as disastrously wrong, for two reasons: first, because it creates a dualism of mind and body and second, because it is held to create insuperable sceptical problems.
  6. Substance and bundle dualism for this and other reasons are rather unpopular.
  7. The simplest and most fundamental aspect of cognisance (fundamental philosophically and developmentally) is what is usually referred to as "self-world dualism": the knowledge that there is a physical world out there of which I am an experiencer and that is distinct from me.
  8. For the causal relations of events would be just the same irrespective of whether or not the causal chain temporarily took on a mental aspect (as in property dualism) or (as in substance dualism) "went mental" for a while.
  9. Pelagius thought Jerome's bitter hostility to marriage akin to Manichaean dualism, and his disciple Julian of Eclanum - with less justice - accused Augustine of the same betrayal.
  10. In accordance with this latter kind of dualism, we have on the one hand our computational successes in recording (the psychologist James Gibson used the useful phrase "resonating to") information in the external world.
  11. This "all" includes even Satan himself, for he felt that to concede that any rational creature is irredeemable would be to surrender to Gnostic dualism.
  12. Beholden to an anatomically derived, heterosexually structured, and all-embracing dualism, such theories could only conceive of homosexuality as a disavowal of that very difference which is assumed to be fundamental to social, psychic, and sexual organization.
  13. I like to think of this next Fodorian thesis as a kind of "methodological dualism ".

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