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Перевод: dug

раскопанный; выкопанный;
сосок ; вымя;
#past и p.p. от dig


  1. "I don't know," I replied, "It's just as bad back at Brigade H.Q We also have the Navy dug in with us in the orchard.
  2. The surviving network of ditches on the Monmouthshire Levels beside the Bristol Channel is essentially that dug by the Benedictines in the twelfth century.
  3. By following the policies of successive governments they have dug themselves deeper into debt; they have no money to invest in new methods of husbandry, milk-bottling plants or sausage-making machines.
  4. These have been dug out easily to make docks, with lock gates which retain the depth of water when the tide is low.
  5. Gardeners dug gardens.
  6. As the clues trickle out and the town's secrets are slowly unmasked, Lynch luxuriates over the images onscreen, focusing on tiny details a motorcycle reflected in the pupil of Laura's eye in an old home video; a cryptic letter "R" dug out from underneath her fingernail in a morgue whose fluorescent lights flicker nervously that makes the show such a visual delight.
  7. Karelius dug a heel into the frozen surface of the stream.
  8. A lengthy enquiry concluded that the accident had been caused by the aircraft landing on grass, 127 feet short of the runway, so that the wheels dug into the soft earth and the plane went out of control.
  9. I had a very deep feeling that the attack on the village by the Black Watch was not going to be successful due to the fact that the enemy were well dug in and were determined to hold on to this position.
  10. Some of the foundation hardcore may also have to be removed, and any soft ground dug out till you reach a firmer base.
  11. The hole, or rather the volume of waste material that is dug from it, has greatly bothered conservationists.
  12. Unwelcomed, unwanted, despised and dug out, they had added a new dimension to my life, given me another self and I wanted never to go from Claro.
  13. Whatever happens, try to protect these stone sets from being dug up and thrown away.

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