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Перевод: enteritis speek enteritis

энтерит ; воспаление тонких кишок


  1. This was shown by DNA fingerprinting to be indistinguishable from M paratuberculosis , which causes enteritis in animals.
  2. To unravel the complex mycobacteriology of chronic enteritis, investigators have developed sensitive methods to detect and characterise relevant pathogenic strains.
  3. The original description by Crohn suggested mycobacteria as a possible cause, given that chronic enteritis in animals, termed Johne's disease, was caused by tubercule bacilli.
  4. This study aimed to evaluate various aspects of gastrointestinal function in patients with diarrhoea caused by chronic radiation enteritis and the effects of treatment with the peripheral opiate agonist precursor loperamide-N-oxide.
  5. Diseases and parasites that can afflict modern domestic pigs include foot-and-mouth disease, swine vesicular disease, swine fever, swine erysipelas, anthrax, enteritis, virus pneumonia, blue ear, stress-related oedema, Aujeszky's disease, Teschen disease, anaemia, arthritis, rheumatism, metritis, mastitis, roundworms, lungworms, mange and lice.
  6. These observations indicate that: (1) diarrhoea caused by chronic radiation enteritis is associated with more rapid intestinal transit and a high prevalence of bile acid and lactose malabsorption, and (2) loperamide-N-oxide slows small intestinal transit, increases bile acid absorption, and is effective in the treatment of diarrhoea associated with chronic radiation enteritis.
  7. The breed is prone to occasional stomach troubles and bouts of enteritis so a good-quality diet is essential.
  8. He was soon called "Neil drip" for he had the patience to feed our worst cases of enteritis with a fountain pen filler, in which he inserted nutritious liquid to keep life in the tiny bodies, and begin to build them up again.
  9. - Shellfish - even today these often cause food-poisoning and enteritis.
  10. Well, thanks to Dr Leitch's ministrations our enteritis beds were nearly empty which freed Sister Murphy.
  11. The effects of loperamide-N-oxide, a new peripheral opiate agonist precursor, on gastrointestinal function were evaluated in 18 patients with diarrhoea caused by chronic radiation enteritis.
  12. Chronic radiation enteritis is now recognised as a frequent and clinically important sequel of abdominal and pelvic irradiation treatment for malignant disease.

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