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Перевод: fare speek fare

плата за проезд; стоимость проезда; ездок ; пассажир ; пища ; провизия ; съестные припасы; еда ;
поживать; быть; происходить; случаться; оказаться; путешествовать; ехать


  1. But they admit the interest is still largely experimental and that demand comes mainly from foreign tourists willing to try English fare.
  2. Eventually she believed my protests that I would prefer Filipino fare; it appeared - embotedo, lumpia, bulabula - all in a toasted sandwich.
  3. Commenting on the new service, Freight Development Manager, George Walker said, "Our new "all in one" fare is part of a continual preparation process for the Open Market in 1992."
  4. "We should be in Seville, but we cannot afford the air fare," he said.
  5. But this is still a rare instance, Likewise, at the in-service level, very few authorities can match the well-conceived programme of courses for teachers produced over a number of years by Geoffrey Hodson and Maureen Price of I.L.E.A. But until we can sort out our muddled thinking that surrounds the subject, there is a danger that the next "official" report will not fare any better.
  6. I reckon I dropped my fare just before the Bank of England."
  7. Fare forward, travellers! not escaping from the past
  8. Are holding a Summer Fare on Sat 14th July at the Church Hall.
  9. Or she who earns by toil her daily fare:
  10. The Tayside men hold an advantage of a single point over their well-heeled Glaswegian rivals, and they traditionally fare well on visits to Govan.
  11. But the real test will be how they fare in an economic recession
  12. It needn't have been my fare at all."
  13. As with any quality foods, simple traditional French fare may require the minimum of fuss.

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