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Перевод: faulty speek faulty

наделенный недостатками; несовершенный; неправильный; ошибочный; испорченный; поврежденный; неисправный


  1. He listed various possible causes - defective machines, careless workmanship, poor supervision, faulty lab tests - and asked the head of each department to identify the main cause of waste in their own area.
  2. All our weaknesses, sins and troubles arise because of our faulty, uncleansed hearts.
  3. All Rottweilers with faulty bites and dentition, ie overshot, 4.
  4. Some bad habits that horses acquire may be learnt "passively": they are caused by faulty training or poor riding, and no one may be aware of them until the horse changes hands or gets a new rider.
  5. Faulty comparisons
  6. If the problem is a faulty valve, again call in expert help.
  7. These provide compensation for faulty concrete construction in council homes sold to private buyers.
  8. faulty comparisons
  9. A later inquiry blamed BR for "unacceptable and dangerous" work practices, and revealed that faulty wiring in trackside signalling equipment had led to the crash.
  10. Smell alerted the neighbours who suspected faulty sewers.
  11. Whatever direction these problems (often the consequence of faulty discipline) take, the children - be they overly assertive or submissive - are seldom happy.
  12. Consumes of all ages have a right to reasonable protection against the sale of faulty goods and, of course, against fraud.
  13. Try altering the setting on the thermostat dial; if nothing changes the thermostat is probably faulty.

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