f fa fb fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fl fm fn fo fp fr fs ft fu fw fx fy

Перевод: favour

благосклонность ; расположение; фавор ; покровительство; одобрение; интерес ; любезность ; одолжение; пристрастие; бант ; розетка ; значок ; сувенир ; помощь ; письмо; внешность ; лицо; польза ;
благоволить; быть благосклонным; относиться благосклонно; оказывать внимание; оказывать любезность; делать одолжение; оказывать предпочтение; быть пристрастным; подсуживать; благоприятствовать; помогать; поддерживать; покровительствовать; протежировать; оберегать; беречь; щадить; быть похожим


  1. The lofty official view is that the agitators in favour of an entirely fresh deal - or preferably none at all - with the CFTC command little support among the membership and distract the association from grappling with real issues such as Globex, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange's putative electronic trading system.
  2. But, crucially, unlike Castells and Dunleavy they reject a unitary view of the state in favour of a "dualistic" theory of politics - the dual state thesis .
  3. Opinion, the paper reports, is moving in favour of the idea that in future self-management communities of interest should be regulated by general laws instead of by social compacts, which have practically no authority, legal or otherwise.
  4. I once met an aged man who had waged a single-handed crusade to get the Fellowship to change its official line that Dr Manette's house (A Tale of Two Cities) is based on the old Carlisle House, Soho Square, in favour of No 1 Greek St. He said he felt prouder than if he had won the Nobel prize on the day they admitted they were in error.
  5. "If one of my patients wants to give up a potentially curative treatment in favour of an alternative therapy, then I will try to dissuade them.
  6. But compared with the potential sacrifice of victims' rights, this duty is so undemanding that the arguments in its favour are powerful.
  7. Of all the letters sent out each year inquiring, disingenuously, whether "this mark of the Queen's favour" would be acceptable; only about a dozen get a negative reaction.
  8. judgement was in favour of Aston Villa and it was not until fifty years later that a fresh legal challenge over contract terms was made, by George Eastham against Newcastle United.
  9. All of which is in favour of retinoic acid being the signal, but the evidence is not unequivocal.
  10. He used his influence to favour a contemporary of Keeton's, of comparable mettle, but more predictable in terms of the expectations of a liberal-conservative establishment.
  11. Several groups of Communes are in the LFA Zone de Montagne; in the Rochefort-Montagne Commune of Puy-de-Dome much encouragement has been given to remembrement by M. Giscard d'Estaing who resides in the area and is in favour of "progressive" agriculture.
  12. Indeed, they said the small congregation was in favour of demolition as many members were old and infirm and could not climb the steps up to the church.
  13. One quite serious limitation in the original selection of these authorities lay in the criterion for selection which seemed to rest in the main on those authorities whose drama advisers happened to be currently in favour with H.M.I.

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