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Перевод: favourable

благоприятный; подходящий; удобный; благосклонный; расположенный; симпатизирующий


  1. Faced with the crisis of inner city decay, for that was really the problem of mid-19th century Paris, many of today's governments could wish for so favourable a conjuncture.
  2. But even in murder cases it is now far more favourable to the accused for him to plead instead diminished responsibility, and for most practical purposes this defence has replaced that of insanity in criminal law.
  3. The Anglo-American special relationship, on the other hand, is as alive as ever, and has made it possible for us to buy advanced US weapon systems like Polaris and Trident on very favourable terms.
  4. Politicians are now making favourable noises about other countries' experiments with road pricing.
  5. The climate for doing so is more favourable than for some years past.
  6. Industry sources suggest Ford may soon extend the same favourable terms to contract hire firms.
  7. But, of course, his attack was very much on-target if he simply wished to attack those elements of the media that were least favourable to his own party and government.
  8. Those who know better will not rest contented with such a meagre peep of a lake so singularly grand, but will round the hill rather more than another mile to the west, and when the dark lake is full in view, sit down to drink a long look from that favourable point of view.
  9. So long as balance is defined in terms of the quantity of party coverage - and not whether it is favourable or unfavourable - then the only justification for awarding the government extra coverage is that the government represents order, stability, and legitimate authority, which the media has a duty to support.
  10. Though he has attracted some favourable notices in the last few years, his works have had very few prestigious performances, and there has been absolutely no powerful publicity machine or critical coterie building up behind him.
  11. A cautious Mrs Gillian Shephard, the new Employment Secretary, said yesterday that too much should not be read into one set of figures before adding that they and a series of other favourable statistics may offer "glimmers of hope" on the jobless front.
  12. Probably Edward, like Parrish in the fiction , had done extremely well in the Civil Service examination and this evidence of his academic ability, together with the favourable critical reception of The Woodland Life , convinced his father that Edward was now worthy of financial support.
  13. Potential profits on overseas transactions can be reduced, eliminated or enhanced by adverse or favourable exchange rate movements.

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