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Перевод: faze speek faze

беспокоить; досаждать; расстраивать


  1. Last but not least, Keith is an historian who has frequently visited Mexico and it doesn't faze him that I, as a Mexican, should come to his country to write about its artists.
  2. Mixing aggression with an improved defensive technique, Hick reached 50 from just 79 balls and even the loss of Atherton and Richard Blakey in quick succession, leaving the innings in ruins once again, did not faze him.
  3. But Gillian did not let this faze her.
  4. "Yeah, I don't think anything could faze us any more," sighs world-weary Patrick, already on to his second career, being a qualified doctor.
  5. Also on the subject of Foundation, expect a new video from them, imported over here by Faze 7.
  6. Well, it would take a little more than that to faze someone as familiar with the human anatomy as Charity.
  7. It took a lot to faze a talented one like that, who had been a successful soloist for two years, managing with having a sick father and about one tenth of his mother's attention.
  8. Smooth-haired, bright-eyed, immaculate, with the merest hint of a woody, masculine fragrance about him, he looked as if nothing could faze him.

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