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Перевод: filch speek filch

украсть; стащить; утащить; стянуть


  1. So when, towards the end of lunch, Stuart lurched to his feet and informed the table - why this confessional urge that comes upon people at such times? that he was "Just going to decant" (and the awful phrases they come up with: from which beagling divisional manager did my chum filch that one?),
  2. Furthermore they know that they can trust him because he will not filch money from the common agricultural policy, as Labour would do, to use it for other purposes.
  3. We also tested a sample of autistic children in the chocolate-finding task and found that they were again behaving just like the three-year-olds: going to the baited box for twenty trials, despite wanting to win chocolates and occasionally trying to filch them from the experimenter's bag.
  4. Nevertheless, I eat more than my fair share of oysters, and filch one of her lobster claws after I've eaten my own.
  5. They may even try to ensure that they do not have any who are popular enough to filch their votes.
  6. Alan Cox doubles entertainingly as the disconsolate Beggar and the overworked Filch.

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