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Перевод: fizz speek fizz

шипение; шампанское; шипучий напиток;
шипеть; играть; искриться


  1. Fruit fizz Mix together the juice of 1 lemon, about pint/200ml each of orange juice, pineapple juice and grapefruit juice.
  2. "I swear I had had one bucks fizz and half a glass of port.
  3. It took the urgings of the mob of photographers to get him to raise his glass of fizz higher than his chest.
  4. When they come out, they are fry; as they grow a little, they become parr; larger still, they turn into smolt and fizz off down to the sea.
  5. There was a cake, good Australian fizz and an impromptu cabaret from the classical guitarist John Williams, the singer Cleo Lane and her jazz musician husband John Dankworth.
  6. Buck's fizz is always popular, and we've two special new premixed versions on offer this summer.
  7. Tories aching for fizz have to accept the meat and two veg reality; and they may remember that, in the fable, Jupiter grew so tired of the frogs complaining about their uninspiring King Log that he sent down a replacement, King Stork, who ate them all.
  8. Pink Fizz Mix the juice of 1 lemon with 1 pints/1 litre tonic, about 2 tbsp of grenadine and sugar to taste.
  9. The evening will include a Bucks Fizz welcome, dinner, live big band, disco and cabaret.
  10. Sainsbury's Buck's Fizz is a light and very attractive sparkling blend of wine and orange juice; Zimmermann Graeff's Exotic Buck's Fizz is made with delicious tropical fruit juices including pineapple and passion fruit.
  11. New Orleans favours a mid-morning milk punch, or its own variation on the gin fizz.
  12. The main products now are artificial fertilisers and carbon dioxide which is sold to other industries, particularly to put the "fizz" into drinks and as a cooling agent for nuclear power stations.
  13. They kissed her and all had another glass of fizz before Charles started the dreary journey back to Willesden on the Underground.

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