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Перевод: florist speek florist

торговец цветами; цветовод ; цветочник


  1. The florist was closed, and they'd put the fresh stock away, so that when Boy looked in through the first window the flowers he saw were of silk; all artificial, but so good that they were better and fresher than the real thing, and certainly more expensive.
  2. Karen was the one he'd stuck with longest, so he told her about his "little florist".
  3. A touch of class: "Royal" florist Jane Packer (above) bursts into bloom on her own wonderful wedding day
  4. The stunning bell-shaped flowers of the Brazilian or the florist's gloxinia are often beautifully marked so they make a real splash of vibrant colour in your home.
  5. Blue in the pot, the florist's hydrangea may change its colours
  6. Meanwhile, another Frenchman, Parisian florist Patrick Veyrat, despairing of finding a no-compromise sports car, decided to build his own.
  7. Interflora florist Judy Graham makes the draw at the end of Tuesday afternoon watched by Amy Wheelton (centre), Ann Rogers of FARMERS WEEKLY and Interflora's, Paul Woodman and Mike Oakden.
  8. Then there are problems of translation; A distant relative's long-distant and fairly Meaningless tribute, "We shan't forget old Vanya", Gets translated into funeralese as "We shall never forget you", which in turn Gets translated by a deaf florist into "We shall love you forever".
  9. He wrote to Viola again, saying that a spiteful florist he had once been kind to had put the card in the flowers.
  10. Treat florist gloxinias as annuals and grow them from seed in spring, or grow from tubers potted up in spring so they are just covered by the compost.
  11. Put a block of florist's foam in a jug half-filled with water.
  12. As long as you can fit in a piece of florist's foam, it can hold flowers!
  13. The Gardener's and Florist's Dictionary of 1724 can be regarded as Philip Miller's first contribution to garden literature.

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