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Перевод: foot speek foot

нога ; ступня ; стопа ; пята ; носок ; лапа ; шаг ; походка ; поступь ; основание; нижняя часть; нижний край; стойка ; подножие; подошва ; пехота ; фут ; ножка ; опора ; осадок ; подонки ;
надвязывать чулок; идти пешком; танцевать; подытоживать; подсчитывать; достигать; составлять; оплачивать; лягать


  1. At about ten to nine I tethered the bike to a lamp-post and proceeded at a leisurely pace on foot to the Parsons'.
  2. The foot were also responsible for entrenchments and for engineering works associated with sieges.
  3. As the board leaves the wave, use the front foot to lift the windward rail, thereby encouraging the wind to catch under the board and giving more lift.
  4. Gradually take all the weight off one foot but leave it on the board as a back-up.
  5. His foot twitched under the table and he began to play with his spoon again.
  6. He used the complete gamut of his voice, from a growl like a dog warning its master that it has a sore foot to a high, exalted monotone which he kept for perorations; and when he was using the words of an Old Testament lament, Isaiah or Zephaniah, to make a piteous effect, he had been known to put his head back and yowl like a tom-cat.
  7. When one of his blackboards fell onto his foot because Endill had taken the screws from it, he refused to let the class leave until he had discovered the culprit.
  8. Unless, that is, you are either over six foot or want to take more than one friend with you.
  9. For example, on a day with a 3000 foot cloud base, climb to 2500 feet on the first climb, then fly off leaving that thermal, using the airbrakes if necessary to come down to try to find another one at 2000 feet.
  10. The grounds lie at the foot of the south Antrim hills, and the land fronting the main buildings slopes down to the shores of Belfast Lough.
  11. So, climbing a ladder, I collected every one despite my swollen foot.
  12. This is attached to the mast foot and allows the rig to be moved in all directions.
  13. I mean, perhaps our man parked his own car in Reading station car park, then took a train to Maidenhead station and a bus from there to near the river, and went on foot from there to the boatyard wouldn't that make sense?"

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