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Перевод: forefinger speek forefinger

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  1. He touched the baby's cheek with his forefinger, and Isobel could see even from her chair between the cameras that the baby's lip curled at once toward it.
  2. She took his wrist between thumb and forefinger, and held his hand up between them as if gripping a putrid fish by the tail.
  3. He found the place again, following the text with his forefinger.
  4. I indicated with my forefinger in the direction of the bursting shells.
  5. "Noisy night, noisy night, but quiet now," he bellows, then suddenly stops in his tracks, raises his right arm and points with his forefinger down the orchard, shouting at the top of his voice.
  6. Different again is the dancing of the bedouin soldiers, at once chaste and erotic - "chaste because it takes place among men, mostly holding one another by the elbow or the forefinger erotic because it takes place between men, and because it's performed before the ladies.
  7. Suggestively, he tapped his forefinger on Vologsky's torso.
  8. That is nipples which are turned in like a crater, or which do not stick up by at least half a centimetre when gently pinched between thumb and forefinger from just beyond the base.
  9. When you take a book from the shelf, you probably lay your forefinger along the top edge or "head", and either pull it straight out or tilt it down.
  10. He stabbed out two names with his forefinger.
  11. She tapped her brow with her forefinger.
  12. She scooped up a little on her forefinger and nibbled at it.
  13. Down again from knee to groin, that delicate forefinger tracing, tracing.

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