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Перевод: foreigner speek foreigner

иностранец ; иноземец ; чужеземец ; чужестранец ; чужой ; животное, вывезенное из другой страны; растение, вывезенное из другой страны; иностранный корабль


  1. Yet when he and other top men at GE are asked why the company has only one foreigner on its 19-member board of directors, they insist that this is no obstacle to making the company truly global.
  2. Having failed to obtain one means I've forgotten my status as a foreigner in Europe, Latin American, undesirable.
  3. There was intense suspicion of the "foreigner" (although he was as likely to be a trader from the nearby town as a native of another land), but the ordinary inhabitants of the territories which were to become the modern States of Europe had no sense of common identity, of membership of national groups.
  4. Their mother was a foreigner, whom they hardly saw.
  5. A foreigner once said to me, "In order to speak English you must learn one word thoroughly."
  6. "Under Reagan, everything bad that happened was either my fault or Nixon's fault or Congress's fault or some foreigner's
  7. Feelings of xenophobia - a fear or hatred of the foreigner - can so readily by whipped up, turning friendly sporting occasions when the "hype" has been too great, when the passions have run too high and the pervading atmosphere has been too intense.
  8. Lima's politicians may rue their election strategy of branding Fujimori, the son of Japanese immigrants, a "foreigner", for the Quechua-speaking majority in the Andean highlands, estranged from a state apparatus that functions in Spanish, sympathised with the man they nicknamed the "Little Chinaman".
  9. "When she behaves like a Sharina, she blames people's dislike of her on being a foreigner," sighed Jane.
  10. When a foreigner did so, unmarried, poor, with no connections, he added unimaginable presumption to an already serious matter.
  11. It was also to become one of the biggest hits and the one provocative vinyl slap in a chart which reached new depths of blandness: Elaine Page, King, Howard Jones, Foreigner and Russ Abbot.
  12. FOREIGNER: Anyone who doesn't come from Ireland, the UK or Australia.
  13. In this turbulent cauldron, Mozart, a mere foreigner, navely expected to make his fortune.

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