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Перевод: forget speek forget

забывать; забыть; не помнить; перезабыть; позабывать


  1. "But don't forget she'll be lucky not to have a club foot."
  2. I said to the manager, Ghiringhelli, who was already a great personal friend, that it was important for me to go, but if it was not possible then I would forget it.
  3. We should not forget the general point that, in many communities where religious affiliation plays no part in political decisions, the clergy are still seen as leading figures who can be called upon to lead and organize activities outside the narrow remit of religion.
  4. And don't forget now; you hear anything, you let me know!"
  5. Don't forget to provide drainage so water does not collect on the treads; this will make them slippery and potentially dangerous, and will also encourage the growth of algae and moss on the surfaces.
  6. "I'll never forget that it was the RFU who got behind me when I was in trouble.
  7. "You forget," Andrevitch said, his eyes gleaming, "I come from our submarine service."
  8. He did not often score goals, but no-one who saw it will ever forget the one he hit from fully 25 yards in the floodlit friendly against Real Madrid.
  9. Goodbye - and don't forget your exercises this afternoon."
  10. Ben seems to forget that he is not the only one in the world to be making progress, that it is not just the routes he puts up which are the difficult ones, and that he isn't the best climber there is.
  11. A moist but well-drained fertile soil in a warm sheltered corner will give it the best chance, and even then only in the mildest areas - and do not forget the slugs!
  12. Often she would leave him unkissed at the Rectory gate and forget to wave when she went inside the house.
  13. Forget the present, Holly, reckon on the future.

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