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Перевод: fulsome speek fulsome

преувеличенный; чрезмерный; неискренний; грубый (о лести); мерзкий; отвратительный; похотливый


  1. By the end of this scene, however, Terentia expresses fulsome gratitude to Dycarbas for saving her from an uncle who had wanted to steal her inheritance.
  2. Outside, Tory representatives were ambushed by camera crews and reporters, and nearly all strove to re-echo Mr Lawson's message in fulsome terms.
  3. More fulsome in his praise than the anonymous diplomat above, Berlinguet approves of the measures taken.
  4. Green was fulsome in his praise for Barker's determined and generous efforts to reach an equitable settlement and it is possible that Green did acquaint the Chairman of the RAC with the unhappy position in Bedfordshire.
  5. Inevitably he was drawn into historical references in his rather fulsome descriptions of sites such as Furness Abbey.
  6. The tribute may sound fulsome, but Modigliani showed exceptional appreciation of nascent ability.
  7. Had an enemy completely unknown to Peggy travelled to the fte in Little Tuckett with the express purpose of bumping off the fulsome Phipps?
  8. The hardback edition contained a fulsome dedication to Rushdie's then wife, his fellow writer Marianne Wiggins.
  9. Having lived with it for 19 months, John Dyer, an unlikely champion of investors' rights and one of the few "fortunates" not hit hard by the collapse, was fulsome in his praise for BCIG's supporters.
  10. In reformist circles there was also a revulsion against the eighteenth century tendency to fill the churches with grandiose memorials rendering fulsome tribute to the earthly triumphs and complacent virtues of local dignitaries.
  11. What we got was the jelly-like wobbling of Western pop's fulsome, milky tit in the face of the starving.
  12. He wrote a fulsome 400-page autobiography, characteristically entitled Virgil Thomson on Virgil Thomson, and a personal survey, American Music since 1910, appeared in 1972, followed recently by a selected edition of his letters.

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