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Перевод: fun speek fun

веселье; забава ; шутка ; потеха ;


  1. From boats to nuts and bolts, from the past to the present, the Museum provides hours of fun for all ages, and a few surprises as well.
  2. At some stage it will be possible again to enjoy memories and to laugh at the fun we shared.
  3. Vera Shroff, a mathematics student, found that tutoring brought back the fun of a subject she was having some teething troubles in coping with at university level.
  4. This unique zoo, with exhibits in beautifully landscaped settings is fun for all the family.
  5. They are (relative to most other material) suitable for children, and there has even been "The Munsters" comedy serial which exploits the fun side of horror movies.
  6. So, in an effort to once and for all give you the facts on why we're Fun Factor Number 1, we've called in a few experts to run through the complete bizzo.
  7. Now that the goal has finally been reached, the fun can begin.
  8. The Americans have again gone ahead, with books on retirement communities like Idle Haven and Fun City, documenting their way of life and internal struggles for leadership.
  9. Waiting hand, foot and finger on a large and active Siberian Husky with a secret appetite isn't everyone's idea of fun as Monica O'Hara discovered
  10. It is often more fun to taste a wine's potential than wait years for it to reach a maturity that may not be so splendid after all.
  11. "Queer sort of fun," she would comment, her eyes, so gentle, so nearly sightless, filling with fear.
  12. Scissors in the shape of dolphins are helping to boost the funds of International Dolphin Watch , the leading organisation for the study and conservation of these fun loving and intelligent mammals.
  13. fun for all the family!

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