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Перевод: furnish speek furnish

снабжать; предоставлять; доставлять; представлять; обставлять; обставить; меблировать


  1. As I said to her we've got two shelves of hardbacks in the alcove because I do think they furnish a room as the man said, but I wouldn't be on for lending them out because you don't know the condition they'd come back in.
  2. As a condition of obtaining the patent, the applicant must furnish a specification (which in all ordinary cases is open to public inspection), showing the nature of his invention and the method of carrying it into effect.
  3. will furnish it with the exhilarating
  4. Tree cover would prevent further soil erosion, capture some of the precious water vapour in the atmosphere, and eventually furnish a renewable source of fuel and fodder.
  5. He had no income when he married The Maid of Bath, the singer Miss Linley, but he used the 3,000 she had just been given by a disappointed but grateful, rich admirer, to buy a grand house in London's fashionable Portman Square, and furnish it lavishly.
  6. After the painting they used their own products to furnish the house, surrounding the old ranges and fireplaces, and covering the floor of the glazed backyard with tartan ceramic tiles.
  7. She helps clients furnish their houses: "Matching is a bore: I mix florals with stripes with checks.
  8. The newly-weds moved into the Red House in 1860, and began to furnish and decorate it to Morris's own designs.
  9. Literary texts (including drama scripts), the use of language, responses to the media, pupils' own written work and the use of information technology might furnish many of the materials and topics for discussion for which planned outcomes, eg in written work or presentations might emerge.
  10. Social networks within the estates furnish mutual aid such as babysitting, the companies look after the structural maintenance of the houses, and most residents have common ideas about what counts as enjoyable socialising which are not shared by Shetlanders; for instance, it was often pointed out by incomers that dinner parties are a novelty to all Shetlanders except young professionals.
  11. Applicants, when provisionally accepted, are also required to furnish a satisfactory medical report in accordance with the regulations of the Department of Education for Northern Ireland.
  12. The eleventh paragraph recommended that the buildings should be laid out according to a plan, and the "very able and magnificent block plan, by M. Crepinet, may furnish valuable hints towards preserving the desired unity", and the twelfth paragraph said that a residence for the Foreign Secretary was not an absolute necessity, and if reception rooms were to be provided they should be available to every minister.

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