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Перевод: gentlemanly speek gentlemanly

приличествующий джентльмену; поступающий по-джентльменски; воспитанный; вежливый; джентльменский


  1. THE gentlemanly war between the British Insurance and Investment Brokers Association (BIIBA) and the Financial Intermediaries, Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association (Fimbra) appears to be escalating.
  2. In most years the updating of the Long-Term Costing, though always difficult, is a relatively gentlemanly struggle between sensible men, trying to squeeze a pint of requirements into a half-pint financial pot, as happens in the budgetary processes of any large organization or commercial conglomerate.
  3. This critical strain culminates in The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943), which argues that the gentlemanly values appropriate to the Boer War and the First World War are no longer suitable for fighting the Nazis.
  4. Here, Mrs Pettifer began to interject but the small gentleman silenced her with a flap of the wrist which was altogether not very gentlemanly and proved too much for the great lady detective who made a more purposeful interjection of her own.
  5. Pavic, a moustached and gentlemanly Yugoslav, was waiting in the wings with an actress, who would read all but the first page or two of the chosen extract in English translation.
  6. His designs were always, as Mark Girouard put it, "gentlemanly, that is, not too showy", with the precision of an architect schooled in the Greek revival, whatever style he was working in.
  7. Gentlemanly distaste for "trade" is as out of place in sport as it is in the Conservative Party of Mrs Thatcher.
  8. Colleagues described Dorrance as a gentlemanly, compassionate man with a lot of moral commitment.
  9. Frank Semmens, father of the family, was the essence of gentlemanly courtesy; he was of medium height, grey haired and looked trim and fit.
  10. Hugh Ritchie, the Departmental Officer one rank above Mr S -, a kind and gentlemanly character with whom I always had rapport, sent for me and asked why I wanted to leave.
  11. The language used in Synod has often proved to be less than gentlemanly.
  12. Perhaps the gentlemanly tradition that prevail d at some British studios was less stimulating than the rebarbative climate created by Hollywood moguls.
  13. Officially, Britain is keen to present its lobbying effort as a "gentlemanly exercise" that falls in behind those being conducted by the American Navy, by the Lockheed Corporation, which is making the D-5, and also by the White House.

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