g ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gr gs gt gu gw gy gz

Перевод: going speek going

работающий; идущий; действующий; существующий; процветающий; преуспевающий;
отъезд ; скорость передвижения; ходьба ; поступь ; состояние дороги; состояние беговой дорожки


  1. "I'm going to defrost the fridge, Larry," she said.
  2. In our society, children often reach adolescence at just the time that their mothers are going through the menopause.
  3. TELL your friends that you are going to the Cape Verde Islands and, in all probability, their eyes will glaze over for several seconds while they frantically try to recall their long-forgotten school geography.
  4. So, I thought I was going to be a freelancer - what a fool.
  5. Going for a pong
  6. "I hope they are not going make my trip across the Atlantic a waste of time," said Maloney.
  7. All the way home I was so happy; everything had been worth while, everything was going to be all right.
  8. Improving confidence takes time - you are not going to change your personality overnight.
  9. "The rope's not going to be quite long enough.
  10. Going for broke
  11. "TOEFL is the key for going abroad", I was frequently reminded.
  12. Make them understand that they're not going to have it all their own way.
  13. For most families who move out to the rurban fringe, what new problems do they have for going shopping or to work?

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