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Перевод: hallway speek hallway

коридор ; прихожая


  1. The suitcases stand in the hallway, repacked with clothes I've spent all night washing and pressing.
  2. In other words, the cable should be taken through a hole in the wall to the hallway or bedroom.
  3. As a hallway, it is the place where I invite the good Lord to step over the threshold and talk with me.
  4. Even the hallway was plush, thought Montgomery as he took his leave ten minutes later.
  5. Just as we were leaving he turned up in the hallway.
  6. Officers found the body of Janice Hollyoake, 42, in the hallway.
  7. The hallway was sleazy in the extreme, plaster falling from those portions of walls that did not have posters holding them together.
  8. Two blocks away from the house of her childhood it suddenly occurred to her that her mother might have left, that there might be strangers in the hallway, a different set of curtains hanging at the windows; her father's study might have been turned into a playroom for a new generation of North Oxford children, so different from herself in her prim Clark's T-bar sandals that she would not be able to recognise her own infancy in theirs.
  9. Inside, the hallway was musty and dark.
  10. Richard stepped into the flat silently and saw only that they were in a wide hallway before the door closed behind him.
  11. They had left Sammy behind to collapse in the cool darkness of the tiled hallway.
  12. If you want to extend your bathroom into a hallway or bedroom, and plan to put up a partition wall, you will need Building Regulations' approval if this involves the demolition of a load-bearing wall.
  13. She had to take a walk down a short corridor from the main hallway, go down a few steps to the kitchen.

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