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Перевод: hardened



  1. Holding my back straight and clutching the plaited strings that had once been reins, I felt as intrepid as Stark, as hardened as Lawrence, as much the explorer as Burckhardt.
  2. Soil films probably react differently because of partial oxidation, heat modification or drying out of the uppermost layers, forming a "case hardened" skin which protects the body of the soil.
  3. He compares himself with those whose hardened hearts are calloused and unfeeling, and then says: "But I delight in your law."
  4. Even the hardened expert will find something which illuminates in an original way some concept he has long taken for granted.
  5. His speeches were hardened a little, but he wasn't much good at abuse or jokes or stridency or sneering.
  6. "As far as the anti-Rottie thing goes, I think you just get hardened to it.
  7. (i) Vast sheets of lava , which have hardened into basalt, were spread over the north-eastern part, called the Antrim plateau.
  8. By contrast, most other areas are made of shale, or hardened mud, with thin bands of sandstone between the shales.
  9. Children are often encouraged to make the "food" for their Home Corner play themselves, usually with flour and water dough that is moulded, hardened and painted.
  10. The poems are intended to be read aloud as in the late middle ages, a period to which Darras is keenly attracted because national and linguistic boundaries had not yet hardened.
  11. This power, ostensibly the exercise of discretion by an individual constable, has in practice hardened into a set of rules for the management of industrial disputes.
  12. This suspicion hardened into certainty in the days that followed.
  13. The ground was hardened by a sharp frost making the going firm on a fine, sunny day.

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