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Перевод: impermeable speek impermeable

непроницаемый; герметический; непромокаемый; непроходимый; плотный; уплотняющий


  1. In fact Claude Bernard, in 1856, described mucus as "enclosing the gastric juice as in a vase so impermeable as if it was made of porcelain".
  2. These and similar rocks are impermeable.
  3. Around Chalamont the soil was very difficult to work (a 10 inch heavy loam over an impermeable clay layer) and compounded by an extremely high water table.
  4. This involves an area of about one square yard of currently uncultivated land, together with a sturdy spade and lots of energy, for you are seeking evidence of an impermeable layer, or hard pan, down below the ground.
  5. The aquifer has no shield of impermeable clay and the proposed artificial barriers would not guarantee success.
  6. Her mind, like the women in her house, was still laid down in strata, each virtually impermeable to the others.
  7. It was as though the clouds were not themselves mere vapour but impermeable sagging sacks, purposely constructed and hung to contain water.
  8. They are rigid, completely impermeable to water and almost maintenance-free, simply requiring occasional washing to remove surface grime.
  9. These impermeable rocks form landscapes with rivers that rise quickly, even flooding their banks after heavy rain, but diminish or even dry up after a spell of dry weather.
  10. Failing that the surrounding soil could be made either impermeable or capable of neutralising the effects.
  11. However, the cell cannot be surrounded by an impermeable membrane, because it must acquire substances - "food" - from outside.
  12. Water cannot easily flow in these impermeable rocks.
  13. Below the impermeable layer, water is trapped in the aquifer, which is said to be confined.

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