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Перевод: ironworks

завод металлургический; чугунолитейный завод; предприятие черной металлургии


  1. Within West Ham, on the other hand, the large workforces of the Stratford locomotive works, the Thames Ironworks, Beckton gasworks and others provided skilled workers with an opportunity to rebuild.
  2. He was a prominent Victorian industrialist with extensive ironworks in West Yorkshire.
  3. Either he had to go up to the Broken Hill Ironworks at Newcastle or she had to go down to Canberra to see some official about tariffs or quotas or immigration levels.
  4. It looks down imperiously towards Staveley, where the vast ironworks used to employ upwards of four thousand men.
  5. Arnold Hills of the Thames Ironworks was the first president, followed by R Broodbank of the St Katharine Dock Co.
  6. Crown woods in the Forest of Dean acquired new importance as a profitable source of wood and timber, especially for sale to the ironworks.
  7. Mines were sunk, quarries excavated, and ironworks sprang up everywhere to exploit the new technique of smelting iron ore with coke, using limestone as a flux.
  8. Nicholson himself was now working at Richard Fothergill's Aberdare Ironworks with another of Hofmann's associates - David Price - on aspects of the chemistry of iron.
  9. These lamps were manufactured by the Komrov Ironworks in 1867 to a design by A. Linsbauer.
  10. "But that doesn't prove anything except that the man probably came from the ironworks."
  11. Numbers of semiskilled and skilled workers were also high, especially around the Stratford locomotive works, Thames Ironworks and chemical factories in the south.
  12. At Gloucester in July 1634 the judges' proceedings were based partly upon the 800 presentments made at the swanimote held in the Forest of Dean in the previous month: 420 of these for unlawfully cutting and selling woods, 260 for illegal inclosures and other encroachments, 80 for taking the king's game and 10 for unauthorized operation of ironworks.
  13. "Hambury Ironworks," she said gently.

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