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Перевод: Jesus speek Jesus

[имя собственное]


  1. Somehow the protestant part of me could not find it right to speak of her place in God's order of salvation because I was afraid of her obscuring the central place of Jesus Christ in his Church.
  2. To what extent were they in line with Jesus' teaching?
  3. Jesus.
  4. When we stopped, he told me that he saw Jesus leading him down the path away from St Luke's and out into the street.
  5. The New Testament calls us to follow Jesus in this, by being "completely humble and gentle".
  6. On the day that Jesus
  7. Carey addressed the wealthy directly, quoting Jesus' parable about the sorting of the goats (the wealthy) from the sheep (the poor) in St Matthew's gospel: "The curse is upon you for when I was hungry you gave me nothing to eat, when thirsty nothing to drink; when I was a stranger you gave me no home, when naked you did not clothe me; when I was ill and in prison you did not come to my help."
  8. In other words, what we should be aiming for is a trust, respect, sharing, honouring, building up and obeying of one another such as Jesus experienced with his Father.
  9. Hugh Johnson, The Story of Wine When Jesus Christ turned water into wine, he didn't hand out a warning label.
  10. Remember Jesus' Golden Rule: "Do to others just what you want them to do for you."
  11. A second element in this theory is that Jesus entered into every aspect of human life and sanctifies it with his presence and love.
  12. We have true relationships with other people, because we are becoming more like Jesus Christ.
  13. I am not rejecting the idea of Jesus being my representative - all I am doing at the moment is to point out some difficulties with it when it is considered as the central idea in the atonement theory.

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