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Перевод: Jersey speek Jersey

джерсейская порода молочного скота


  1. Sir Anthony goes on: "The information I have been given by the joint liquidators of BCGM the British fund and BCI in Gibraltar indicates that in the period up to December 1984 there had been frequent movements of money or securities between the United Kingdom funds and the Jersey funds and, most important of all, that at December 1984 the gilt-edged securities and cash held for the Jersey funds were at least some 3.65 million less than the funds" obligations to investors.
  2. With less than a month left before the 7 November election and opinion polls showing that he leads his Republican opponent, Congressman Jim Courter, by between 14 and 23 points, the race for governor of New Jersey is attracting intense national interest.
  3. Apparently Chron hid Modi's clothes to keep him in, for Brancusi claimed to have rescued the stranded painter by buying him a jersey and a pair of trousers so that he could go out into the street.
  4. "It was, in my view, the lack of a sufficiently rigorous and enquiring approach which led not only to the failure to appreciate that there was a Jersey partnership but also to some others of the faults I have identified."
  5. This conference will take place on 5-;6 March 1992 in Newark, New Jersey.
  6. She had changed into the spare slacks and jersey he'd brought from Golden Girl .
  7. It is always creamy, being made from Jersey milk.
  8. All the players gave this exhibition free of charge and, with the resulting revenue, the trust was able to set up a fund with which to promote junior golf on Jersey.
  9. Leaving behind him a suburban town of 100,000 people on the potato patch, Levitt went on to build bigger Levittowns in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
  10. The kaffir jersey I shall give to Yvonne Blake, she adores it."
  11. Thirteen years later he and Ted Ray, also from Jersey, lost a play-off to Francis Ouimet at Brookline, Massachusetts.
  12. The Jersey operation turned out to be run by Peter Clowes and operated one of the controversial offshore investment portfolios which later collapsed.
  13. In February First Fidelity bought 2.5 billion of deposits and 48 branches from a bust savings bank in New Jersey.

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