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Перевод: jester speek jester

шутник ; шут ; балагур


  1. Patrick had of course (yet why of course when he had so nearly died?) resumed his role as poet, jester, teaser, charmer, visited by his old pub companions, and doted upon by Alison and Franca.
  2. It was well over a half mile long, consisting of 2 military bands; more than 100 mounted men; well over 100 armed retainers on foot; 50 Irvine archers in Lincoln green outfits; the Duke of Atholl with a company of his Atholl Highlanders; several open carriages; trumpeters; a jester on a mule; Lord Eglinton as Lord of the Tournament; Lady Jane Seymour as the Queen of Beauty; and the 13 competing knights.
  3. One day, Jester had finished drinking and he was watching his master with a languid eye.
  4. Jester was an appaloosa stallion who had a very close relationship with his owner.
  5. The story of the revenge-seeking jester Rigoletto and his possessive love for his daughter is swiftly carried on Verdi's universally popular melodies.
  6. Mike was wearing a jester's outfit with bells on, one leg red and the other leg yellow.
  7. jester let his head sag lower and lower as if he were falling asleep.
  8. Returning this autumn is the ever-popular story of the revenge seeking jester Rigoletto and his possessive love for his daughter.
  9. But there was a joker in the pack, too, a fool at this court of kings, a jester, a clown, pure showman and extrovert, the big-wave riders' answer to Evel Knievel.
  10. He must be a dreadful horse to chase, and Pat's Jester and Edberg were left struggling.
  11. It was hot, dusty work checking endless fencing and huge flocks of sheep; so every now and then they stopped at a trough at one of the wells, so that Jester could drink and his owner could splash his face and arms in the water.
  12. He was a spare aquiline man, who had once been court sculptor (and perhaps unofficial jester!) to a mythical-sounding Ring Zog.
  13. There are those who accept him as a subverter of meanings, including his own, an anti-philosopher, a disconcerting jester, gleefully overturning accepted habits of thought.

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