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Перевод: kinship speek kinship

родство; сходство; подобие


  1. But Lvi-Strauss also claims the structure of actual kinship ties as a system of meaning:
  2. This was the situation which Morgan described for the Iroquois when several tribes get together, not any more on the basis of kinship or marriage, but on the basis of confederacy.
  3. This view of kinship as an opposite to capitalist relations of production explains the vivid interest with which Marx and Engels examined the work of such anthropologists as Bachofen, McLennan, and Maine, who were all concerned with this topic; but above all it explains once again why Morgan should have been so important for them, since he above all was the expert on kinship.
  4. Kinship terms are part of a language and operate as signs with signifiers and signifieds - usage of kinship terms indicates membership of a language group.
  5. kinship systems are not analogous to language in the sense that they are not meaningful systems through which messages or communications are exchanged.
  6. His fascination with these systematic orderings of society by kinship was such that he undertook a massive comparison and classification of as many systems of kinship terms as he could find from around the world, terms such as "cousin", "uncle", etc.
  7. This leads Engels to enthusiastically participate in rather technical debates such as the significance of kinship terminology, or the details of Australian Aboriginal society, details which Marx had largely left alone.
  8. It seemed to Marx that nothing could be more different than kinship relations and relations in the labour market.
  9. The typical small businessman in Hong Kong now has business interests in southern China, to complement his existing connections through kinship, and would much prefer that a cheaper project be put in place, with a view to the needs of Greater Hong Kong as they will be in the 21st century - this after full consultation with the Chinese authorities.
  10. If their ideas about the evolution of kinship seem almost entirely obsolete the same is not true of their ideas about property or the evolution of the State although, in these areas too, many modifications are necessary.
  11. Lvi-Strauss is not interested in what it means to be party to a maternal-uncle type of kinship relationship.
  12. Equally problematic is Morgan's other assumption: that systems of kinship terms change less easily than marriage systems, and that kinship terms can serve as an indication of what the marriage system was like in the past.
  13. This leads A J Lubin to speculate on the "close psychological kinship" between the two women in Vincent's mind.

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