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Перевод: luminary speek luminary

светило; знаменитость ; светоч


  1. Claud Lorrain sometimes painted that celestial luminary in his pictures, but, if not, the sun was but little out of it - a choice generally to be preferred to all others."
  2. Tony is er Professor of Economics at Cambridge and is a world renowned luminary in economic circles and er he's, he's here for the next week as a special professor and er is giving a number of lectures er most of which are open to, to all, to all students and he is a very famous economist, very clever chap you know if you can get to see him I, I'd reco I'd recommend it erm presuma there may be a sort of programme of his visit stuck up on the student notice boards erm, if there isn't er he's giving a, a lecture tomorrow two o'clock in B seventy four and that's, that's if, he is going to be talking to the M A students er taking Economic Development and Policy Analysis and his topic there is comparing income inequality and poverty in Europe erm so if you, you know, if you are free tomorrow at two it just might be interesting to go along to, feel free to go to B seventy four tomorrow at two o'clock.
  3. A television luminary from the late seventies," quoth Morrissey.
  4. All knowledge is particular, said one luminary of the Enlightenment, and this book exemplifies the dictum marvellously.
  5. His recent briefs including writing an ad comprising 7-Up luminary Fido Dido.
  6. Professor von Hayek, a luminary much admired by the Prime Minister, writes to The Times suggesting that if attacks are made against the forces in the Falklands, Britain should retaliate on the Argentine mainland.
  7. Kate Collingwood, who had read Modern Greats at Oxford and was well-known as a luminary of the Kelvedon Players, gave up her seat as a Labour county councillor, was appointed in November 1954 but eventually resigned in December 1957.
  8. Perhaps the internal strains within the authorities of a newly-reunited Germany - and the demands of public opinion in the old East - make any punitive measures against ex-Easterners peculiarly uncomfortable to promote at this time (and Krabbe's coach has been widely fingered as a luminary in East Germany's old chemically-enhanced Sportkulur.)
  9. Helen Gardner, for many years an Oxford luminary, did not believe that the purpose of "English" was to turn out critics, any more than it was to produce poets and novelists.
  10. It purports to tell the tale of a tacky, tawdry beauty contest featuring comedian and cabaret luminary proper name Duggie Brown as the lewd compere Jack whose line in patter can only be described as lavatorial.
  11. The events would culminate in a day of worship at Manchester's huge G-Mex centre, where practically every Manchester luminary would appear.

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