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Перевод: magpie speek magpie

сорока [зоол.] ; болтун ; болтунья ; барахольщик ; полпенни ; второе кольцо мишени с кругами; попадание во внешний или предпоследний круг мишени


  1. BOOK NOW The Thieving Magpie (Rossini) Opera North's tribute to the composer of the year is an eagerly awaited new staging (by Martin Duncan) of this rarely performed opera semiseria.
  2. solicitors, whose managing clerk, together with Smithers and Price's clerk and Pimkin and Thomas's "out o' doors" frequent harmonic meetings at the Magpie and Stump.
  3. She was staring at something, the magpie that Lee had thrown up into the tree.
  4. Caspar was sniffing at the dead magpie.
  5. legal firms whose clerks are at the harmonic meeting at the Magpie and Stump to which Lowton introduces Pickwick.
  6. Caspar, straining to get at the dead magpie, leapt forward and the collar snapped.
  7. By the time we had cossetted one floor Mrs Grindlewood-Gryke's legs were criss-crossed by lines resembling a noughts and crosses grid, and my jeans, saturated with a witch's brew of chemicals, were gathering dust and fluff like a thieving magpie.
  8. He is a magpie possessed with singular vision.
  9. Surrey Wildlife provides a list of all the squashed corpses which have been spotted on the county's roads over the years: grey squirrel, rabbit, hedgehog, blackbird, stoat, roe deer, badger, magpie, rat
  10. Matthew Arnold would have said his mind is the product of this deplorable age - shaggy, wild, intuitive, uncastigated, and like a magpie in a library - which is radically uneducated.
  11. Mrs Wright waved her gun at him and Caspar charged past her, picked up the dead magpie and disappeared.
  12. Then one day he heard the birds making a frightful racket and this huge magpie flew out of the tree.
  13. Philip thought of Jack shooting the magpie up in Jubilee Wood while he and Lee hid in the bracken.

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