m ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mk ml mm mn mo mp mr ms mt mu mv mw mx my mz

Перевод: man speek man

мужчина ; человек ; мужественный человек; матрос ; муж ; любовник ; приятель ; человечество; человеческий род; слуга ; рабочий ; пешка ; шашка ; вассал ; босс ;
укомплектовывать личным составом; укомплектовывать людьми; занимать людьми; ставить людей; посадить людей; занять; стать к орудиям; подбодрять; приручать


  1. As Chris Lewis was the man who replaced Ellcock in the England party, his was not the name he most wanted to hear.
  2. The seas today swarm with crustacean arthropods ranging in size from the tiniest krill in the surface waters to giant bottom-living crabs with a reach like that of a man.
  3. He felt his neglect bitterly, but he was not, essentially, an envious man.
  4. "They died there," said the old man bleakly.
  5. Tommy Sparks was a man having a remarkable thirst and woe betide anyone unfortunate enough to be having a haircut around opening time.
  6. Christ's ethical teaching proclaimed the way to true happiness, for he was not only man but God, acknowledged in the manger by the magi, vindicated by his wonderful acts, by the fulfilment of prophecy in the gospel story, and by the astounding diffusion of the gospel in the world.
  7. Under the terms of the pardon, the commander was not empowered to accept Macdonald's submission and the old man had to make his way through the blizzard to Inveraray.
  8. Bowie was a cautious man and his two previous reports on leukaemia incidence in the county had not been tinged with any anti-nuclear sentiment.
  9. The ruins are for this man.
  10. He's the water man, cause he had the strength to go out there and find it."
  11. Indeed, they are likely to win him a new reputation as a man for whom the boom never ended.
  12. That scenario can be distinguished from another which may nevertheless overlap and converge with it: the necessary identifications of male bonding - "I desire to be like you" - produce an intensity of admiration some of which just cannot help but transform into deviant desire for, rather than just honourable imitation of, "man's" most significant other (i.e. man).
  13. The church historian Norman Sykes thought it a bad choice for the see, too party a man for a see which needed breadth of mind.

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