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Перевод: manage speek manage

руководить; управлять; вершить; заведовать; ведать; владеть; править; стоять во главе; хозяйствовать; сладить; управиться; справляться; уметь обращаться; суметь сделать; ухитряться сделать; съедать; усмирять; укрощать; выезжать; обделать [разг.]


  1. Yet it is these people that are in the forefront of many system design changes being implemented to help schools and governing bodies manage their delegated responsibilities.
  2. "Thank you," snorted Clare in as ungrateful a manner as she could manage, swept her copy contemptuously off the desk, and stalked out of the room with a moderately successful attempt at dignity.
  3. But I did manage a chat with Burgess Meredith, Lewis Stone and Edna Mae Oliver, and also met Daryl F. Zanuck.
  4. Nine o'clock for someone to be taken to -" (It was the day-care centre for the very old - those no longer able to manage for themselves.)
  5. I think there will be three areas, each crucial to the successful introduction and adaptation of the National Curriculum, that only heads can manage.
  6. Never be satisfied with your performance in these sessions until the results start showing in terms of better performance from those you manage.
  7. " to collect appropriate information, as defined by the activities of the Highways and Planning departments, to maintain that information cohesively, such that it is consistent, accurate, up-to-date, complete and easy to manage, and to provide access to that information within the time constraints of the users, ''
  8. "Really I can manage very well on my own."
  9. They will also need to know about lobbying and negotiating and how to work effectively with the bureau management committee as well as how to manage staff meetings.
  10. However, horns were generally seen as desirable, especially for harnessing plough oxen, and it was not until the eighteenth century that Scottish farmers began to breed selectively for the polled factor in order to make the cattle of Galloway easier to manage on the long droves to the London markets.
  11. Income Support - You may be able to get income support if you are not in full-time work and are finding it difficult to manage.
  12. "So why do you manage to tolerate me?"
  13. developed the local authority role from direct provider to effective enabler, encouraging many tenants to buy their own homes, allowing schools the freedom to manage their own affairs and improving the quality of local services by allowing private business to compete for contracts.

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