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Перевод: mascot speek mascot

талисман ; вещь, приносящая счастье; человек, приносящий счастье


  1. Thus, in lay terms, the manitou was a mascot or luck-bringer, responsible for protecting the tribe's welfare.
  2. By this stage, Des was more than just a mascot.
  3. Conner is the Irish Wolfhound (Mascot) of the 1st Battalion Irish guards.
  4. Apparently, the ad consists of BRUCE DICKINSON holding the band's mascot EDDIE up to the camera and drawling: "Buckle up, or you could end up looking like this," but market research has revealed that viewers were far more frightened at the prospect of looking like Brucie himself.
  5. County were beaten 3-;1, but the omens did not look favourable when the Town's mascot, a stuffed donkey, caught fire at the post-match celebration.
  6. Their mascot is a donkey, and they will have him (or her) with them as they play at Wembley.
  7. BLANKED a complimentary letter from the "Proud To Be Plain Club" ("we believe a woman can look average and human in public and still play a role in society") asking her to be club mascot.
  8. Named after one of the early kings of Ireland, he is a half-brother of the Irish Guards' mascot.
  9. Leeds adopted the destroyer H.M.S. Leeds as its mascot, and contributed to the comforts of the sailors.
  10. Jack holding Lucky Jim , his mascot, whilst Twinkle Toe , Brown's mascot takes a well earned rest.
  11. WHATEVER the British public may think of Buzby, British Telecom's avian advertising mascot, some of our more natural bird species are clearly impressed.
  12. Nell digested the startling fact and tried to come to terms with the idea of this creature ever being a ship's mascot.

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