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Перевод: matins speek matins

утреня ; заутреня


  1. So upon this, my third post-chapel "chat" of my first Lent term, "The boy who refused to be confirmed at a Woodard School" was launched, and the annual, "All those who haven't been confirmed, stay behind after matins" was to go on for four more weary years.
  2. Known as the Canonical Hours, these followed the system of seasonal hours: Matins before dawn, prime at sunrise, Tierce at 3, Sext at 6, Nones at 9, Vespers at 11 (the last four being reckoned from sunrise), and Compline after sunset.
  3. The royal martyr's sufferings were compared with those of Christ, "Blessed Lord", ran the central prayer at Matins,
  4. "You may ask about his daily routine when abroad; he attends matins at church and priestly services either alone or with a small following, and worships so devoutly that he has set an example to all Italians of the honour and reverence that should be paid to bishops and clergy.
  5. The times appointed for church services (the canonical hours) of Matins, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers and Compline also varied.
  6. They usually begin with pictures of the occupations of the different months, followed by passages from the Gospels and the liturgical hours from Matins (and Lauds) to Vespers and Compline, and completed by miniatures of the life of the Virgin.
  7. Although some Protestants, such as Bishop Hooper, argued that a single-roomed effect was more appropriate to the new Protestant liturgy and the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers, the compartmental interior of the church with a separate nave and chancel divided by a huge rood screen was usually left unaltered, and in many parishes ministers chose to use different parts of the church for distinct types of corporate worship: the nave for matins and evensong, the side chapels for weekday services, and the chancel and sanctuary for Holy Communion.
  8. Those who have not yet had a surfeit of Monsieur Depardieu can see him in one of his period roles in the sumptuous Tout Les Matins Du Monde.
  9. Each "hour" - Matins, Lauds, Vespers and so on - consisted of psalms, prayers and readings from scripture and the fathers and so it gave the nun a form Lectio .
  10. In the small Essex village of Great Leighs the lord of the Manor and a Director of Barclay's Bank stormed out of Sunday Matins when the Psalm was chanted.
  11. The Temple contains poems on all the offices and great occasions of the Church: Holy Communion, Matins and Evensong; Christmas and Easter and Whitsun.
  12. They rose at 4 a.m. in summer and 5 a.m. in winter, and together attended three daily services in the church: Matins, Evensong and the Litany.
  13. Since the bombing raids began over Iraq, Britons have flocked to join the army (inquiries in London have quintupled); to give blood (in Plymouth alone, more than 1,600 people volunteered in the first few days, and 110,000 followed suit across the country); and to say their prayers (Winchester Cathedral reported that the congregation for Matins last Sunday was up by a half on the usual number).

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