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Перевод: mayhem speek mayhem

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  1. Mayhem!
  2. There is a view, which is both popular and respectable, that childhood games of murder and mayhem and also the watching of portrayed violence, can exert a positive effect through "catharsis".
  3. Magic and mystery, mischief and mayhem - that's SOOTY!
  4. We also found ourselves together in the middle of the LA riots - two days of mayhem without a cop in sight - so I guess that brought us closer together!
  5. I hope the majority of regular readers of this column appreciate a broad spectrum of modern, popular music styles; after last month's metal mayhem, we now have Martin Rooms of Leicester to thank for requesting an article on the track One Of Us from the album "The Visitors" by one of the purest pop acts to emerge in the last 20 years, ABBA.
  6. A spokesman said: "It has been mayhem and our main sale hasn't even begun yet."
  7. Miss Forsythe said: "Mayhem and destruction was caused in that department.
  8. For the past few years, the death count has been running at roughly 10 a day, with blood feuds and general gangsterism adding to the mayhem.
  9. The line which the law draws is at the very least indistinct, and turns on such imponderables as malum in se , mayhem, degrees of harmfulness, and public policy, and calls for an examination of such unsatisfactory cases as Donovan , Bravery v.
  10. They seem incapable of going on holiday without a) general mayhem breaking out and b) losing wee Kevin.
  11. Push things all the way, and the on-screen mayhem achieves an almost cyberdelic overload.
  12. And Matthew poor Matthew ! - even now he's being chased from pillar to post, on stage and TV at home and abroad - to satisfy the cuddly trio's craving for mischief and mayhem!
  13. In a typically wild, rollicking rugby evening, with mayhem breaking out everywhere, the local lads had a marvellous time with the Cup, knocked out that they could actually touch the code's most holy object.

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