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Перевод: Midwest speek Midwest

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  1. Then he gave his name, one of those Midwest American names, I guessed, probably originally Ukrainian, from Kansas or Montana.
  2. In particular, the realistic novel had played an important part in shaping Progressive America and the themes of those novels were taken up in Hollywood as the studios struggled to find a formula for fiction films that would be acceptable to the highly politicized cities of the East and Midwest.
  3. Northwest is strongest in the Midwest and allows you to fly in and out of Canada.
  4. We had originally intended to pose as representatives of Mattel Toys USA, a company who wished to take advantage of the fact that Play School had become a cult hit among children in the Midwest.
  5. He had been the one to persuade her brother, an alcoholic and addict, to flee New Orleans for the sobriety of the Midwest, where he kicked his bad habit.
  6. Born in America's Midwest, Seberg, who committed suicide in 1979, came to prominence as Jean Paul Belmondo's co-star in the French new wave classic Breathless and starred in the first ever X-rated movie released in the States, Birds In Peru .
  7. In the end, the Census Bureau expects to find that the total population is about 250m, is getting older, is still moving from the north-east and midwest to the south and west, and that metropolitan areas grew more rapidly in the 1980s than in the 1970s.
  8. Occasionally it was conceded that New York had elements of sophistication but it was widely appreciated that film tastes and standards were determined in the populous and philistine Midwest.
  9. A covered walkway, already damp with footprints, led under the Midwest Highway that cut the city like a blade.
  10. The Ogallala aquifer, which supplies many farms in the US Midwest, is suffering the same problem, as also are aquifers in Spain, Greece and elsewhere in Europe.
  11. On the drawing board, the acquisitions make sense: they give Banc One new and young customers in the reviving Texas market to balance its ageing ones in the Midwest.
  12. A "Gofer" is not the little squirrel-like animal of the American Midwest, although there is a certain behavioural resemblance, but an abbreviation of "Go-for a coffee", "Go-for a piece of string" etc.
  13. This is news to me; the widespread cattle mutilations across the American midwest in the past two decades are variously blamed on cultists, aliens or government experimentation, but, as far as I am aware, no actual proof has ever been found to back up any one of these hypotheses.

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