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Перевод: misbegotten speek misbegotten

рожденный вне брака; скверный; никуда не годный


  1. And for once in her misbegotten life she was right.
  2. Work as a director and actor in the London fringe preceded a much acclaimed production of Eugene O'Neills' A Moon for the Misbegotten in 1983.
  3. "First, if you or your misbegotten entity there," he gestured towards me, "plot any design against me, then the two gentlemen standing behind you have orders to slash your throats!"
  4. Yet this does not alter the fact that the female is essentially a misbegotten male, not another kind of human being.
  5. The claim that women cannot image Christ is rooted in an Aristotelian-scholastic argument that women, by their very nature, are defective and "misbegotten".
  6. "Yes, go, you misbegotten hound!" added Lady Merchiston in the caressing tone she reserved only for her pet.
  7. Indeed, at the end of the scene it is Olivia who is left alone on stage - in that key situation of the end-of-scene soliloquy that tells all - to declare her newfound, misbegotten love in verse.
  8. There, in someone's misbegotten idea of an English country house, sits the flagship of a worldwide, 145- store empire worth an estimated 3 billion, and built on America's nagging class insecurity.
  9. Woman is defective and misbegotten, for the active force in the male seed tends to the production of a perfect likeness in the masculine sex; while the production of woman comes from defect in the active force or from some material indisposition, or even from some external influence; such as that of a south wind, which is moist, as the Philosopher Aristotle observes.
  10. We're here to show Fabbiano's misbegotten collection, that's all."
  11. Genista tinctoria (yellow) overdyed with woad (blue) produced the colour to which Shakespeare's Falstaff referred in Henry IV : "Three misbegotten knaves in Kendal Green", Falstaff being one.
  12. It is a disgrace that the Royal Scottish National hospital at Larbert is included in this misbegotten scheme.

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