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Перевод: modernism speek modernism

модернизм ; новейшие течения; неологизм


  1. One, in Chicago, was designed by Dirk Lohan, grandson of Modernism's founder Mies Van Der Rohe.
  2. The development of the nouveau roman is often claimed to illustrate the evolution from modernism to postmodernism - a transition which has been perceived and articulated by several of the nouveaux romanciers themselves.
  3. That there are distanciations and self-reflexivities is apparent, but to attribute them mechanically to Brecht or to modernism is formalist in its most naive sense.
  4. At any rate such verses prevent us from supposing that only with modernism could fruitful contact with Virgil be resumed, or that late-Victorian Virgilianism was the perquisite of Alfred Lord Tennyson.
  5. In support of the proposition that the development of the nouveau roman corresponds to the transition from modernism to postmodernism, it can certainly be shown that the early productions of the nouveaux romanciers are susceptible to readings which to some extent meet the criteria of psychological realism so important in modernist aesthetics.
  6. "This theoretically realistic and humorous novel is not unlike The Waste Land , the showpiece of Modernism and Impersonality" - which gives the impression that the realistic and humorous can only be deemed compatible with impersonality if they can also be deemed theoretical, and that the novel may not be very funny.
  7. This stance is partly a reaction against what Krauss saw as a dominant position in American criticism, by which "the art of the last hundred and thirty years, the art of modernism, is not being well served by writing that promotes the myths through which it can be consistently misread".
  8. But with his placement of Modernism in the lineage of Nietzsche, and as such at odds with Marx and Freud as the real motors of that "true radicalisation of the Enlightenment" (p. 120) which is the only way ahead, something more serious is at stake.
  9. Postmodernism follows from modernism, in some sense, more than it follows after modernism.
  10. This defence of Marxism carries over, however, to a critique of Modernism itself: not merely for the fact that Nietzsche attaches "importance" to art but for the further claim ascribed to him, and therefore to Modernism itself, that "the nature of aesthetic experience contains in nuce the form of understanding proper to the world itself (p. 66).
  11. Joseph Kahl, in his attempt to measure modernism, picks out participation in the mass media as one of his key criteria of the modern.
  12. Callinicos' conclusion to these arguments is that despite their efforts, built around a claimed contrast of the postmodern either with or within Modernism, these authors have produced only "mutually and often internally inconsistent accounts" of the "postmodern", manifesting an "inability to come up with a plausible and coherent account of its distinguishing characteristics" (p. 28).
  13. Opera was rejected in the 60s because modernism found its dependence on human emotions embarrassing and messy, and because it seemed politically inept - a medium housed in monuments to the establishment and inadequate for the expression of political ideologies.

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