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Перевод: motherless speek motherless

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  1. As many as one in five motherless children in the NCDS sample of lone-parent families had brothers or sisters living away from home (Ferri, 1976).
  2. Ten years later, still in Pig Street, things were rather different: there were more children to cram into the same limited accommodation, but by the middle of 1795 they were motherless.
  3. The typical tone of memory, however, is very different from this: a special sense of love, even devotion, in the grandchild for a wonderful old lady: "I treated her as me mother", as an abandoned farm-child sent over from Ireland put it; or a motherless Bolton spinner's son - "she were a love
  4. Shaun's last years at school had been difficult he'd even taken a swing at a teacher at one point - and he'd earned a reputation for the motherless Hammond boys that Wayne had found himself sharing even though he'd done nothing to earn it.
  5. The coffee stall proved to be very successful and R. T. Smith, who had a heart of gold and a knack of handling welfare problems, gave up his job with Thornycroft's, in order to found, in 1880, the Chiswick Mission and he was successful in finding homes for children who had been left motherless, but were not eligible to be accepted into orphanages.
  6. The three boys had always assumed, as soon as they reached the age for such assumptions, that Charles had married Liz in order to provide the three motherless babes with a proper family life.
  7. What was beautiful about the death of a young girl, leaving a motherless child?
  8. In one shocking instant Tim, 32, had become a widower, and his 23-month-old daughter Sophie motherless.
  9. But one must never pick the baby up - it was practically incestuous to enjoy one's baby, so l gathered, young, obedient, motherless, indoctrinated mother that I was.
  10. Similarly, a motherless Glasgow soldier's daughter was taken in by her grandparents and brought up with the help of an aunt, who married soon after but stayed in the same home.
  11. One upper-class motherless boy moved to live with a great-uncle who "treated me with the same affection which he would have given to a son.
  12. To be motherless?
  13. Perhaps we might have a look at things, at this stage, through the eyes of young Benjamin Titford, the youngest surviving son, left motherless at nine years old; waving his big brother William Charles goodbye as he set off for London soon afterwards; watching brother John cough himself into an early grave; listening to endless conversations about high prices, shortages, and a war across the channel; dragged out of his bed in the middle of the night to cries of "Fire!" and "Flood!"; struggling to keep warm every winter; watching his father die of a long illness - these experiences made his childhood, in modern terms, an awful, albeit a dramatic one.

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