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Перевод: municipality speek municipality

муниципалитет ; город, имеющий самоуправление


  1. What rank? - Zuwaya said he was a doorkeeper in the municipality, director of the local hospital, a diver at the oil terminal.
  2. Civil police collected the corpse from the neighbouring municipality of Ibo.
  3. Although the Sinhalese were the largest ethnic group in the city of Colombo, in 1911 they accounted for only forty-four per cent of the municipality's population.
  4. Owned by the municipality of Funchal, the whole facility is kept spotlessly clean.
  5. Muhammad Hammad was a literate and qualified person, and his eldest son (a clerk in the municipality until he joined the army) was similarly in favour of education.
  6. The Damianis had bought the decrepit domed buildings from the Jaffa municipality and for several decades after the First World War the name of Damiani was proudly displayed in English and Arabic over the vaulted gateway where Turkish pashas once administered the law.
  7. Administrative staff were to be offered equivalent posts to those they now held, but Corporation staff did have the opportunity of transferring to other departments of the Municipality.
  8. But old Khoren Pilibossian still lives just off Municipality Square in Bourj Hammoud, up a narrow concrete staircase and through an unpainted wooden door.
  9. It is clear, too, that the text is concerned with public as well as private matters: Pomponius specifically gives as an example of an obligation which is purely moral (and, as he puts it, rests on the auctoritas scribentis ) the case of a bequest for statues to be put up in a municipality.
  10. The municipality and the Imperial Household, less inclined for one reason or another to be parsimonious, added gas lighting to public spectacle by illuminating the city's monuments on state occasions and holidays.
  11. The most important chairman (of the municipality) was a Jlulat from Tazarbu, that is to say from the category of people least involved in the Kufran disputes.
  12. The whole structure was now owned by the municipality of Jaffa and the museum hoped to extend its galleries into the rest of the building when money was made available.
  13. If Elisabeth condemned the municipality for not having commemorated a remarkable Danish woman, she blamed Holberg, Blicher, J.P.

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