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Перевод: mustard speek mustard

горчица ; то, что придает остроту; то, что придает пикантность


  1. Illustrated opposite are the classic Salade Nioise and a delicious dish of lambs' kidneys, sauted in butter and served with a sauce flavoured with Dijon mustard.
  2. Howard Primary School, landing at Cambridge University Observatory, found time for a ballet of the night-sky to a background of synthesizer and a resourceful battery of percussion; and although improvisation and rhythm (rap a firm favourite) pushed melody to one side for the most part, Ixworth middle school beguiled the time outside Colman's Mustard Shop in Norwich with a garland of song.
  3. Rmoulade has to have plenty of strong Dijon mustard in it.
  4. Kidney Bean Tartlets p41 Kidneys with Dijon Mustard Sauce p76
  5. OPPOSITE: Salade Nioise; Kidneys with Dijon Mustard Sauce
  6. I have many happy memories of eating Frankfurters with lashings of mustard in Cologne.
  7. Deric, whose back problems prevent his pivoting, prods to some purpose for his 79 years and is mustard round the greens.
  8. The role of platelets in the process (which has resulted from the work of several groups: (Chandler Hand, 1961; Murphy et al, 1962; French, 1966; Ross et al, 1974) as put forward by Ross and Glomset (1976) is really a bringing together of the Virchow and Rokitansky hypotheses of more than a century ago in that platelets may themselves contribute to vessel injury, thrombosis and atherogenesis (Mustard et al, 1983).
  9. Wholegrain mustard is to Dijon what wholemeal is to brown flour.
  10. 10ml (1 tsp) Dijon mustard
  11. White mustard seeds
  12. You can, up to a point (and we did up to that point), protect yourself against them with jungle gels and mustard gases, but the trees give no mercy and there are hours of them between Staddajakkstugorna, a mountain hut on the side of Kapasluoppal, and Staloluokta.
  13. Mustard helps to emulsify a vinaigrette.

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